Green features of waste king's design










 Anaheim Manufacturing Company Disposers – Green By Design

Open as pdf  Waste King Green by Design

Waste King – Built to Grind

Green by design logoWaste Kings are built by the Anaheim Manufacturing Company (AMC) whose disposers grind food waste into smaller particles than the leading competitorʼs disposer.  Smaller food

particles biodegrade faster than larger particles, keeping cess-pools and drain pipes cleaner. Larger food particles also tend to clog drain pipes faster than smaller particles.



Vortex Powered – Permanent Magnet Motors


Waste king vortex powerAMC’s disposers consume less energy to grind the same food waste as the leading competitorʼs disposers.





Save Time, Energy and Water


save water logoThe efficiency of AMC’s permanent magnet motors compared to the leading competitorʼs induction motors allows you to cut grinding time, in turn saving both energy
and water consumption.




Green by Design



waste king green design logoAMC units are shipped in foam-free recycled corrugated boxes.  Less energy is consumed to build a permanent magnet motor by AMC  in their factories than an equivalent induction motor by the leading competitor.




Shipping Weight of Disposers  (Including packaging materials)


ship weight logoWith the use of light weight materials and foam-free recycled corrugated boxes, less oil and gas is consumed shipping AMC materials and product compared to the leading competitor’s materials and final product.