You’re aware that there is more than just one type of waste.
My question is, how do you deal with them?
For some, dealing with different types of waste is all about proper segregation. As long as you know what waste belongs to what type, then you’ll just be fine.
But how come non-biodegradable wastes still get mixed up with the biodegradable ones? Aren’t they supposed to be properly segregated?
The common issue we have in this scenario is knowledge without application. Yes, you might know about the types of wastes. But how do you deal with them? Or more importantly do you even care to deal with them the right way?
Today, we’ll take a quick review on the basic types of waste. Browse through them and see what you’ve been missing out.
Remember, knowledge is a key requirement to proper disposal. Know what you’re dealing with.
From the word itself, recyclables are those products which have outlived its original purpose but can still be used for a different one.
Common examples include grocery shopping bags, tomato cans, broken glass, newspapers and boxes.
Organic wastes are biodegradable wastes. They are those that come from animals and plants such as vegetable and fruit peels. The food wastes that flush down our garbage disposal unit belong to this category.
These wastes are commonly found in the industries and can greatly impact the community and environment if not disposed properly. Hazardous wastes can be classified as flammable, reactive, corrosive and toxic – all can be harmful in great extent.
Pharmaceutical Waste
This is otherwise known as medical waste. Common examples include pills, tablets, medicine syrup. A lot of people simply dispose these wastes by throwing them down the sink, not knowing just how exactly they could affect people. A lot of chemicals found in medicines can seep through our sewage systems mixing with our tap water.
Any waste that is not in its solid form can fall under the liquid type waste. Common examples of this waste include liquid from cleaning industries, wash water from homes, and waste detergents.
Considering all of these waste types, how are you so far in dealing with them?
Importance of proper disposal
The importance of proper disposal goes beyond just maintaining a conducive atmosphere at home.
Proper disposal is a basic step in ensuring that you keep you and your family’s health seriously.
Remember that a lot of our wastes (any type mentioned above) have the potential to cause health-related harms. Worse, the harm produced by these wastes are not just limited to our household.
If allowed to pass through our sewage systems or leak into landfills, our basic livelihood and source of water can be at risk.
The next time you throw any trash away, stop and ask yourself; What kind of waste is this? Am I throwing it on the appropriate place?
Waste disposal is important, but it’s the proper waste disposal that counts.